What is DNS Lookup?
The DNS Lookup tool fetches the DNS records linked with a particular web address. In addition to the TTL value, this includes the following details:
- A: This record tells the IPv4 address of a domain.
- AAAA: This holds the IPv6 address pointing towards a domain.
- NS: Also known as Name Servers, it reveals DNS servers managing DNS records for a website.
- MX: Short of Mail Exchange, gives information about the mail exchange servers working for the subject domain.
- TXT: This digs out any random text entered by the website administrator to the DNS records. The primary use is for website verification in addition to avoiding email spam.
- CNAME: A Canonical Name (CNAME) Record links subdomains to the main domain and not an IP address.
- SOA: Start of Authority (SOA) stores administrative information about any domain.
This tool will be helpful in troubleshooting if you have updated some records and want to confirm them. Or if you're going to find out where the particular domain points to.
How Does DNS Lookup Work?
It is a 5-step process, explained below.
- User Initiation: When you enter a domain name into your web browser, it sends a query to resolve this name into an IP address.
- Recursive Resolver Query: The browser forwards this query to a recursive DNS resolver, typically managed by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). If the resolver has the IP address cached from a previous query, it returns the result immediately. If not, it proceeds to the next step.
- Root Name Server Contact: The resolver contacts a root name server, which responds with the address of a Top-Level Domain (TLD) name server (e.g., for .com domains).
- TLD Name Server Contact: The resolver then queries the TLD name server, which provides the address of the authoritative name server for the specific domain.
- Authoritative Name Server Query: Finally, the resolver contacts the authoritative name server, which returns the IP address associated with the domain name.
Are you looking to automate checking DNS records? Try Siterelic API.