
X-Frame-Options Header Test


Test if your website is defending from Clickjacking attack.

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X-Frame-Options Test

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  • Thu, (GMT 00:00)


Couldn't find the X-Frame-Options header in the response headers.



What is X-Frame-Options?

X-Frame-Options is a security header to prevent a well-known vulnerability called Clickjacking. Put simply, Clickjacking is when a cybercriminal tricks you into clicking a malicious link on a legitimate-looking but compromised web page.

Based on the configuration, this header instructs the browser not to open a web page in a frame or iframe to avoid such risks. It has three possible values:

  • DENY – Blocks all iframe embedding.
  • SAMEORIGIN – Allows embedding only from the same origin/website.
  • ALLOW-FROM URL – Allows embedding from a specific URL (deprecated in modern browsers).

Is X-Frame-Options necessary?

Yes, X-Frame-Options is essential for website security. Without it, attackers can embed your website in an invisible iframe, tricking users into clicking buttons or links without their knowledge (clickjacking). This can lead to unauthorized actions like fraudulent transactions or data theft.

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