
DNS CAA Record Lookup


Check CAA record of the domain.

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CAA Record Lookup

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  • Thu, (GMT 00:00)


Couldn't find the CAA record for the given domain. Take advantage of it to restrict which CA (certificate authority) can issue a SSL/TLS certificate for the domain.

About DNS CAA Lookup Tool

What is the DNS CAA Record?

Certificate Authority Authorization (CAA) record is a less common DNS record type. It is primarily used for locking down on a list of Certificate Authorities (CA), except for which nobody can issue an SSL/TLS certificate for your domain.

In the absence of this, any public certificate authority is allowed to issue certificates for any domain. That said, having a CAA record doesn't tie you up with a specific certificate authority, and you can add multiple CAs for this purpose.

What Does This Tool do?

Domsignal DNS CAA lookup tool can help you identify the CAs configured to issue a standard or wildcard certificate for the subject domain.

This configuration is mainly done to prevent certificate misuse or unintended issue to anyone other than the actual website owner.

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